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C. Bitcoin Improvement Proposals

8-11 minutes

Bitcoin Improvement Proposals are design documents providing information to the Bitcoin community or describing a new feature for Bitcoin or its processes or environment.

As per BIP1 BIP Purpose and Guidelines, there are three kinds of BIPs:

Standard BIP

Describes any change that affects most or all Bitcoin implementations, such as a change to the network protocol, a change in block or transaction validity rules, or any change or addition that affects the interoperability of applications using Bitcoin.

Informational BIP

Describes a Bitcoin design issue or provides general guidelines or information to the Bitcoin community, but does not propose a new feature. Informational BIPs do not necessarily represent a Bitcoin community consensus or recommendation, so users and implementors may ignore informational BIPs or follow their advice.

Process BIP

Describes a Bitcoin process or proposes a change to (or an event in) a process. Process BIPs are like standard BIPs but apply to areas other than the Bitcoin protocol itself. They might propose an implementation but not to Bitcoin’s codebase; they often require community consensus. Unlike informational BIPs, they are more than recommendations, and users are typically not free to ignore them. Examples include procedures, guidelines, changes to the decision-making process, and changes to the tools or environment used in Bitcoin development. Any meta-BIP is also considered a process BIP.

BIPs are recorded in a versioned repository on GitHub. An MIT-licensed document from the open source Bitcoin Core project, reproduced here in edited form, describes which BIPs it implements, including listing the Pull Request (PR) and version of Bitcoin Core where support for each BIP was added or significantly changed.

BIPs that are implemented by Bitcoin Core: